Home of The Original Bloody Knife®
The Only Pet Toys that are KILLING it!™
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Blood-Stained Moments
A Killer Collection-Shoppable Gallerie to Die For
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Cutting Remarks from our Satisfied Customers
Follow us on Instagram @bloodyknifepettoys

🚨 Upcoming Events Alert! 🚨
🔪 Catch Us If You Can! 🔪
We’re hitting the road for some killer events—don’t miss us!
Check the photo for all the details and come grab the only pet toys that are KILLING it!
See you there? 👀
#BloodyKnifePetToys #CatCon #MidsummerScream #creepiecon #hauntmareexpo #breapetexpo #HorrorPets #CatchUsIfYouCan #halfwaytohalloween #gothicmarket

The evil that cats do… is usually adorable.
But beware the silence before the strike. ⚠️
When Jinx wants to come into the couch to snuggle and all of a sudden he goes killer cat on me!
#BloodyKnifePets #KillerInstinct #evilcats #truecrime #HorrorAesthetic #killercat #dextercat
Last week, we came up with something fun…
We are bringing a game to our events!
Next pop-up:
March 15 at Social Club VTA.
(Events in bio!)
One question. One killer prize.
Don’t miss out, come see us and the Crime Mobile to attend-
are you ready to play?
#wannaplay #popup #playtowin #petowners #downtownventura #socialclub

‘I have no idea who left the crime scene on the couch. I’ve been asleep this whole time,’
— Denali, probably.
👉🏻Sometimes he sleeps so deep and looks like dead! After he has seizures, I am always scared although we have them under control!
#killercats #playingdead #bloodyknifepettoys #spookypets #specialneedscat #horrorfansworldwide

Happy pup alert!
This cutie scored a Bone Saw at our event and is absolutely living for the loud squeaker. Safe to say, it’s their new favorite “weapon.”
Thanks for stopping by and supporting small, spooky businesses!
#BloodyKnifePetToys #BoneSaw #squeakytoys #dexterdig #killingit

Yesterday: Ventura.
The crime: First-degree cleaver obsession.
The suspect: One extremely happy dog and his very enabling mom.
We provided the weapon. They handled the rest.
#BloodyKnifePetToys #crimescene #guiltydog #dexterdog #805pets

Besides the Bloody Knife®️ Toys we’ve got stickers, mugs, T-shirts, pillows, Organic US-grown catnip, …
bloodyknifepettoys #horrorgeek #ventura #petlovers #805pets #horrorfan

This Husky saw our Bloody Knife® toy and decided he NEEDED it—stared his dad down like a suspect under interrogation. The silent plea. The unwavering eye contact. The ‘if you don’t buy this, I will cause a scene’ energy.
Will your pet demand their own crime scene souvenir? Find out today—I’m downtown Ventura slinging Bloody Knife® pet toys until 5 PM!
#BloodyKnifePetToys #husky #buyit #pettoys #venturaevents
Catch us if you can Downtown Ventura today until 5pm @socialclub_vta
#bloodyknifetoys #pettoys #ventura #horrorfan #ventura

Some black cats cross your path… others make sure you don’t walk away. Mercury holds the knife.
#bloodyknifepettoys #killercat #killerinstinct #catniptoy #killingit #dextercat #spookycat

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